Okay, so I am insecure. I want to know how the interview for the job I really want went! I used a horseshoe spread from from Aeclectic Tarot for this reading:
1. The past XI Justice
2. The present XXI The World
3. Hidden influences Queen of Wands
4. Obstacles to overcome 5 of Swords
5. Attitudes of other people III The Empress
6. What I should do 8 of Pentacles
7. The outcome 10 of Wands
(Click to enlarge)
XI Justice is often about contracts and agreements. In the past, I have worked for the same employer for three years and (finally) awarded a services contract, meaning that I am "guaranteed" employment in the county. (NB: the quotation marks because there may not be enough jobs to go around!) This card has come up multiple times in Lenormand readings as The Ring, by the way. This is a good base for the reading, as the outcome (not of the reading but in real life) hinges on this issue, contract liability, as well as other issues.
XXI The World in the present is me, "top of my game." The interviewer told me that so far I was the most viable candidate and the only one, so far, qualified specifically for the job. In other words, it seems that the position is almost tailor-made for me. He couldn't tell me whether or not he would hire me for the position because there were other people he had to interview first as per guidelines handed down to him (again, a contract issue), but he hinted around that I would be the top choice. This card certainly doesn't refute what he told me.
Queen of Wands is the hidden influences position is almost certainly a person or persons. Three of his oldtime friends (and church members) and fellow workers happen to be with me at my current assignment. They are more or less my personal references. This is a strong card, as in my "Ace in the Hole," to have coming into the interview. These are stronger influences on his decision than I had supposed going into it.
5 of Swords are the obstacles to overcome. As this is Venus in Aquarius, eliminating my own selfish desires desires in this matter is paramount to success. It is funny how tarot sometimes is so direct, as if saying, "Don't worry about it, you fool! You are going to get the job or else it will all work out!" There is also the aspect of patience here, of which I have little in this matter. And the idea that I will probably be offered my current position again as others start to transfer from the job center to go other places, to retire, to relocate to other parts of the country. I am going to be *not* lazy and take the plunge, moving all my crap outta from where it is now to a new cost center? It is a pain in the butt, and something I will have to almost force myself to do. I look at this card as if it were me, reluctantly collecting my things and looking back as if to say, "Well, maybe I should stay..."
III The Empress is the "you're at home" card. I was told at the interview that I would "fit right in" at this school. It is very, very rural and country, and I am not comfortable in the higher echelon, fon-fon schools, at it were. [I interviewed at one of these types yesterday and couldn't stand it, actually; some people take themselves way to seriously!] This attitude expressed towards me yesterday, therefore sincere. This was one of the most burning questions I had, others sincerity. It is good to see this card here because it makes me feel that the sentiment expressed was real and not manufactured political bullshit.
8 of Pentacles tells me that I should remain vigilant. I was told to call at a definite time on Tuesday to learn whether or not I get the job. I was even given the interviewer's direct line into his office (how many Principals are going to do that? lol). I was told also not to accept the first job offered, if it was, because he was going be ethical and do the right thing and wait, unlike others in the county, he insinuated, until the entire field of candidates was cleared (a plus in my book!). As Sun in Virgo, it is the "do the right thing" card. Of course it reflects The Strength card in this deck, as well. And since Pentacles or the Working suit, also good to see here...
10 of Wands is normally seen as a negative card, but this is a great example of how a supposed negative card can be one of the *best* cards in a throw, depending on position! It is a fin de siècle
card, if you will. It has been a long and arduous journey, navigating the politics and professional wranglings over the last three years for this county. And although this new job will be a whole lot of work, perhaps a burden even, it is a welcome break to what I have been teaching. It is Saturn in Sagittarius is a limitation in the upper intellect and Ruler of the House of Higher Education. My work may be cut out for me because of the, shall we say intellectual, limitations of the population at this particular school. It is no surprise to see this card here, then.
Card images © Lo Scarabeo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Used by Permission