Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Message from My Spirit Guide

Another participant in the AT PDR Thread did an exercise about his spirit guide. Since it has been a while since I did this, I thought I would give it a go. 

Here is the spread I used:


  1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?
  2. What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me?
  3. What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me?
  4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?

(Click to enlarge)

4 of Coins reminds me that I am in a stable position financially right now. As some of you know, I am facing governmental budget cuts and may be on the chopping-block. We met with the boss yesterday and she had a little more information. And although there are more jobs that absolutely will be cut, the requirements for retaining job positions have already been met by me but not necessarily by others. As I am not large and in charge, these aspects had not even occurred to me. This card in this position tells me "Don't worry."

6 of Coins is information that I had not even thought about from my Spirit Guide. There are those in my field who are genuinely magnanimous and want to see me keep my job. I suspect that I am seen as a team player. I also suspect that I am seen as a hard worker, and someone who gets results. Even one of the elementary keywords for this card is "asset." Is this what my Spirit Guide is telling me? That I am literally seen as an asset to my organization, and that the boss-lady will do whatever she can to retain me? I think so! This falls in line with others who have told me exactly the same thing.

VII Chariot is about control. Of course, there are things in life you can control and things in life that you cannot. Then there are things that a somewhat controllable and uncontrollable at the same time. I think that the advice is to realize which aspects are within my power to change and which are not. This card reminds me to think of the serenity prayer, "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." It is the difference part that I am having difficulty with. How to tell? As for the job situation, I recently got a reading that said I was going to have to fight for what I wanted out of my job, that it would not just fall in my lap. I think I have made it known that I would be eyeing the seniority list carefully, lest any managerial shenanigans take place. This is about the only control I have over the situation, that is, to be assertive. And the oxen in this card look pretty damned assertive!

9 of Coins is precisely the card I would want to see in a reading about financial security! Recall, please, that I did not specifically ask about this area of focus for my reading, but one must read the reading like this. I mean, I had three coin cards! How could it not be about finances? Obviously, finances are tied directly to employment. Nine is the number of foundations, not completion per se, so a move into a more stable career is eminent. Nice outcome in a time of fiscal uncertainty.

Card images © Lo Scarabeo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Used by Permission