Sunday, January 25, 2009

What About April?

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Some people say that one should not use tarot as a predictive tool for oneself. I disagree. I need to know what is going to happen in April when teacher contracts come up for renewal. It has been on the news that each school in our county will lose three to six teachers. I have only been in county for two years (this is my third) and I am up for tenure at the end of this year, April. Needless to say, I am anxious whether or not I will be laid off due to budget cuts.

I drew the Ace of Wands and IX Hermit.

To be honest, this is not the first reading I did on this situation, of course. When I first heard about it, I immediately got my mini-Visconti tarot out of my desk drawer (when my students were at PE) and did a 4-Square. Long story short, I am seventh on the short-list of layoffs and the Principal will do what she can to keep me where I am. This was overall good news. The cards also told me not to worry. Since then, a seven has come up twice in different questions surrounding this issue.

What these cards tell me is that I will be alone in the group of teachers that started teaching at this school with me. A few will be moving on to other schools, as I know they are unhappy with us there. And, a couple signed their annual contracts after me and will be required to leave, by law, before I have to.

The Ace of Wands signifies the tenure contract itself, and the Hermit means that I will stand alone from those who will be forced out.

I feel a bit better, but there will be a sword hanging over all out heads until April. It will be a long wait.

Card images © Lo Scarabeo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Used by Permission