Sunday, May 17, 2009

How Shall I Proceed?

I am using a spread created by sapienza on Aecletic Tarot. It should help explain why I feel like I am already plateauing out on my workouts and what I can do about it. (Vapid, I know! But this is my mode de jour, if you will...)

for someone who felt "stuck."


1. Where am I now?
2. What is keeping me here?
3. How can I get moving?

(Click on image to enlarge)

10 of Pentacles for "Where am I now?" says that I am doing what I can with what I have, for now. It is a maxed out card. Not only is it Earth-based, elementally, but it is the highest number in the minor squence that I can get. This suggests that it is only a mental things for me that I have platueaed. I am currently beginning to handle more weights the more I go. It has only been three weeks. The idea of patience is not only here, because of the influence of The Wheel, but in the next position, where The Wheel actually shows up!

The Wheel of Fortune for "What is keeping me here?" is the idea of the act of waiting. Perhaps it is the patience that I have with myself that is preventing me from going any further? There is a fine line between patience and procrastination. How fast does the wheel go? Should I make it spin faster? Can I make it spin faster? Last week, Zorian commented that I need to listen to the body---svardharma. In order to help with this I created a workout plan to guide me day-by-day. More detail is needed to help me remember what I did on what day. Not only does the influence of the 1oth House (Ruled by Virgo) suggest a careful accountability as I proceed but also the segments, arcs and degrees of The Wheel.

6 of Pentacles, another very physical Earth card, for "How can I get moving?" reminds me that physically I am in the Tiferet stage of my life. According to A Kabbalistic Universe, by Z'ev ben Halevi, this is a stage "when the individual is organically fully grown and all his physical potential is seen." He goes on to say, "This occurs between the ages of about thirty and forty [135-136]." As I enter my middle years, the Jupiter and Mars stage, it is only fitting that my intuition guide me into not only a new, more physcial career, but also into a more fitting healthy lifestyle than that of a sedentary elementary school teacher.

Card images © Lo Scarabeo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Used by Permission

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Short and Sweet Fitness Spread

What do I need to know about "getting physical" this week.

(Click on image to enlarge)

  1. What is known... 9 of Wands
  2. What is unknown... 5 of Wands
  3. What I should do... 3 of Swords
  4. What I shouldn't do... 10 of Cups
The 9 of Wands means that I am almost peaking on my workout routine. Currently I am pyramiding weight and doing many reps. I think this is an indicator that I need to do a steady amount of (significant) weight, with fewer reps, with more sets.

Skipping over to the "What I should do" card, since it is apropos to the
9 of Wands we just discussed. The 3 of Swords is about doing what is uncomfortable. Funny that my New Moon Reading talks about coming out of my comfort zone this month (Taurus, or Shor in Hebrew). The phrase "no pain no gain" comes to mind. And this is a phrase that I have been far removed for almost 5 years, as it has been that long since I seriously trained with weights. As most of already know, I have been a yogi for quite some time

With the 3 of Swords in mind, taking the 5 of Wands into account for "what is unknown" makes me think that there will be a struggle as I manage to get myself on track this week (my physical trainer moves into town on Tuesday). I see the fives as cards that involved the body and health. As we constantly struggle against the elements and our environment in an effort to stay healthy and alive, I somehow find this card strangely reassuring. Sure there will be struggles, and aches, and pains, but it is something that I am going to have to work through. This will have been my third week of training. Echos of the V Hierophant prevail as someone or something that is very structured in his approach. This is difficult for a IV Emperor-type personality such as myself, used to thinking off the cuff! Time to ratchet up my mental acuity and breaking through the plateau...

10 of Cups as "What not to do?" This one is easy―don't sit around the house eating bon-bons!

Card images © Lo Scarabeo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Used by Permission

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Weekly Reflection

A Self-Help Spread

This spread is based on The Four Agreements
, a book by Don Miguel Ruiz.

4 2

  1. "Be Impeccable With Your Word," This will help me guard against gossip
  2. "Don't Take Anything Personally," This will help me rise over the negative thinking of others
  3. "Don't Make Assumptions," This will help me communicate effectively
  4. "Always Do Your Best," This will help me put my next best foot forward

(Click on image to enlarge)

2 of Wands is a card of concentration and focus. This card reminds me to think twice before I say something. There is a rule that concerns saying something about another person: Is it kind and is it necessary? "Taste your words, you may have to eat them later." Another aspect of this card is the energy as reflected in II High Priestess, which reminds me of patience. Why not wait before I say my opinion. Will it be just as important, or as close to my heart, twenty-four hours later? Important enough for me to remember to say the same thing the next day? If it isn't, then perhaps it is best not to say anything at all.

King of Chalices is one of my Significators. This card tells me that I need do nothing except to be myself and all will be well. Even if others do end up gossiping about me or if I overhear or listen to gossip, the best thing I can do is excuse myself. I need to mind my own business and attend to my own affairs. 

7 of Coins is all about the inner-direction. One of the keywords I may use for this deck is "metacognition." Because of the 7 Days of of the Week notion of this card, perhaps all that is needed is for a daily meditation for helping me to stay focused on what is important each day.

King of Wands, the second court card, is a bit of a paradox in this reading. I see this card as cardinal fire, or Aries. This is a very egocentric card. But I think in this contexst, the advice here is to be concerned only with myself when it comes to others' business. I should only be intent on improving myself and not worried about, what others are doing.

Card images © Lo Scarabeo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Used by Permission