Saturday, January 10, 2009

Reading On "What to Focus On"―Outcome Far in the Future

I asked the deck "What do you have to show me and in what time frame?" Interestingly enough, after picking up the deck, the question morphed into, "What do I have to tell you (and in what time frame)?" in my mind's eye. It was definitely as if there was an external influence there. This doesn't happen often.

Thereby the focus of the deck immediately shifted into the first person singular. It was truly as if this deck were speaking to me!

Not surprisingly then, the top card was
2 of Swords (again!) and the bottom card was V Hierophant.

(Click on image to enlarge)

The 2 of Swords came up in my reading from last week. This suggests that this is going to be far more of a "meditation" deck than a "readings for others" deck. The 2 of Swords falls in the realm of Yesod (Hebrew for Foundation), as it is a "long" suit and aligns opposite upon the Tree of Life schematic. The very premise for this deck and what I will glean from it in the next few months, is preparation for the period of time¹ that the deck itself intimated.

The XX Judgement card also comes into clearer focus because of the scrutiny I must undergo in order to make the conversion official. This is not scrutiny into my personal life; I am not converting into the Orthodox; but into my spiritual development and my intention to bring about personal change (tikkune) and societal change (tikkun olam).

For this reading, V Heirophant echoes the sentiment of the 2 of Swords (NB the crossed keys at the owl's feet) and reminds me of the bimah from which I will be officiating my first Haftorah portion², a second reason of the importance of the dates (explanantion footnoted) given by the tarot.

The wise owl did not get to where he is by being idle and not studying. This period of time between now and then is only 7 months. This is a very short period of time in terms of preparation. 

¹The two time cards surrounding my Significator was the 2 of Wands and 8 of Chalices, meaning "between the 13th week after Spring equinox and 7th week after Summer solstice." This is an eight-week period from mid-August to mid-October.

²i.e. my adult Bar Mitzvah. 

Card images © Lo Scarabeo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Used by Permission