Sunday, May 10, 2009

Short and Sweet Fitness Spread

What do I need to know about "getting physical" this week.

(Click on image to enlarge)

  1. What is known... 9 of Wands
  2. What is unknown... 5 of Wands
  3. What I should do... 3 of Swords
  4. What I shouldn't do... 10 of Cups
The 9 of Wands means that I am almost peaking on my workout routine. Currently I am pyramiding weight and doing many reps. I think this is an indicator that I need to do a steady amount of (significant) weight, with fewer reps, with more sets.

Skipping over to the "What I should do" card, since it is apropos to the
9 of Wands we just discussed. The 3 of Swords is about doing what is uncomfortable. Funny that my New Moon Reading talks about coming out of my comfort zone this month (Taurus, or Shor in Hebrew). The phrase "no pain no gain" comes to mind. And this is a phrase that I have been far removed for almost 5 years, as it has been that long since I seriously trained with weights. As most of already know, I have been a yogi for quite some time

With the 3 of Swords in mind, taking the 5 of Wands into account for "what is unknown" makes me think that there will be a struggle as I manage to get myself on track this week (my physical trainer moves into town on Tuesday). I see the fives as cards that involved the body and health. As we constantly struggle against the elements and our environment in an effort to stay healthy and alive, I somehow find this card strangely reassuring. Sure there will be struggles, and aches, and pains, but it is something that I am going to have to work through. This will have been my third week of training. Echos of the V Hierophant prevail as someone or something that is very structured in his approach. This is difficult for a IV Emperor-type personality such as myself, used to thinking off the cuff! Time to ratchet up my mental acuity and breaking through the plateau...

10 of Cups as "What not to do?" This one is easy―don't sit around the house eating bon-bons!

Card images © Lo Scarabeo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Used by Permission