Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Visitation from Higher-Ups

Our school has been designated by the higher-ups to be visited by "people." This is not because we are on some kind of doo-doo list with the county, contrary, we seems to be doing things right. And "they," County people, want to see what exactly it is that we are doing in our classrooms.

I suppose we should be flattered, but it is still nerve-racking not knowing when they are going to show up and whom they will want to visit. So I asked the cards if my classroom will be one of those visited. I decided to use The Opening of the Key Spread this morning; my Significator was The King of Swords. My Significator was in was the group of cards called the "Vau" stack, aligned with the third letter of the Ineffible Hashem (name) and relating to Material Success. So very appropos.

The cards I got surrounding my The King of Swords were 7 of Swords and 7 of Wands, two dates that are nowhere near where the visits will be taking place¹. Since I see sevens as numbers of perfection or completion, I believe that two other teachers, those who have their proverbial s**t together more than I do, will be visited. These are younger teachers who do more of the program than I do (they are in their twenties and straight out of school). But they are very much the same in terms of teaching style and personality. That's all I have to say about these cards. Recall that I was doing the opening of The Opening of the Key Spread and these cards were not "dignified" yet were surrounding my Significator.

The cards that were dignified were XIX The Sun and Queen of Chalices:

(Click on image to enlarge)

Very few RWS-style decks have the impact on me that this one does in that it draws attention to waht the characters are doing in it. I think it's the eyes. Look how the figures are looking to the past  The baby kanga in the pouch, XIX The Sun, is symbolic of my class (I teach Second Grade) and their waving a little flag in recognition and welcome. I, too, stand eagerly awaiting either visit, a waiting period that will be just that---waiting. The Queen of Chalices is a personality card that speaks of fixation of purpose (I feel court cards are astrological in archetype and queens are the fixed signs, not cardinal).

So, although I am prepared for a visit, my classroom and plans are ready for it, and I would be a good example for the school, chances are that I will be bypassed yet again this year for a visit. 

¹The two time cards surrounding my Significator were the 7 of Swords and 7 of Wands, meaning "between the 8th week after Winter solstice and the 8th week after Spring equinox." This is a six month period from mid-February to mid-June.

Card images © Lo Scarabeo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Used by Permission